Sunday, March 14, 2010


So...still not finding enough time for photography. I did have a chance to go to Cadorus a couple days ago and take some pretty good pictures. But as far as having my camera with me 24/7 and taking pictures of anything and everything, not going very well. And I haven't had the chance to go to the Hanover Art Guild either. Work and everything else just seems to keep taking up my spare time. When I actually have a chance to do something, it is when I have other responsibilities to attend to. There is just not enough time in a day!!! But I think the weather has an affect on why I haven't been taking pictures. I am hoping that once it starts to get really nice and sunny, I will be out more. And with Spring on the way, I will have plenty of opportunities to take pictures of nature at one of it's best times.

The only positive thing is realizing that I will definitely have enough money to go on my dream internship this summer. :-D I'm already preparing for it. I just cannot wait to go now! Two weeks in beautiful Nashville, Tennessee learning about Photography, meeting new people, experiencing new things, seeing new things. I'm hoping this will be the big push for me to get out my comfort zone and pursue new things.

I did realize one thing that I really need to work on. And hopefully I'll learn how at this internship. It is getting up close and being at the right spot to take pictures. I was looking at Sarah Barlow's pictures on her blog and saw how she was right up close and personal to her subjects and how she positioned herself in the right spot to get the best picture. This is something I have trouble with. I'm always in the background. I don't want to be in the way of other people and don't want scare the subject(s) with being so close. But I've watched some photographers and realize that that is what they do. That is their job. And I am willing to try to jump out of my comfort zone to achieve that.

Also, with summer on the way, Harrisburg Area Community College offers summer noncredit classes. Some of them dealing with Photography. So I am hoping that I can set some money and time aside to take a class or two as well this summer. There just so much I want to do, but I am afraid that I won't be able to fine the time or the money to do those things. I'm trying to remember that I am not on a timed schedule. I can go my own pace and set it to whatever I need it to be. And I'm still young, only a two years out of school. I've got all the time in the world! I definitely don't want to take a long time at achieving what I want to do, but I know that I don't have to accomplish everything in a hurry.

So all I need to do right now is still work on finding time for Photography. I am working on a couple things here and there. But as far as taking pictures, I hope that I can set some more time aside for it. Even if its for one hour a week, I would be satisfied with that. Then I hope I can work my way up and find things that I can set aside to have more time for Photography. Let's see if I can accomplish that goal this week! I'll let you know if I do!
