Friday, June 17, 2011

Flowers Galore!!

Sorry again everyone...

It has been at least two weeks since I posted last. And here I said I wanted to keep up with my blog more often... But my excuse is I was in the process of changing internet companies and it look a lot longer than expected to receive the modem and hook it up. It was driving me insane not having the internet! I did not realize just how often I use it. But anywho, it is back up and I am back in full swing of writing new posts. :)

Here are some more pictures from last summer! These are all flowers found in my boyfriends' parents backyard. I love being over there. It is sooo relaxing. They have a pond full of huge coy fish with a two-seater swing right next to it, which is my favorite spot. They always keep their yard looking so nice and with so many plants and flowers. I could not stop taking pictures! Flowers are what I love to take pictures of the most. So no wonder! Here a couple of my favorites.








So to all you friends and followers, let me know what you think of them! Send me a tweet to: @Wings1227. I also have some great news! I just received my business cards today! So everyone keep on the look out for those! I will be handing them to every person I come in contact with. :)

Hope everyone is having a great summer so far!

-Ashley Pinda-

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pet Portraits

Last summer in my spare time, I had the chance to practice a little bit with pet portraits. Here are a few pictures of my boyfriends' sisters' kitty, Skittles. He is so cute, and I had a blast watching him and taking pictures of him. :)






I think they turned out pretty good for my first pet portrait photo shoot, but let me know what you think! @Wings1227. I will definitely consider expanding my business to fit in pet portraits. So if anyone is interested, contact me! I always love to have the opportunity to practice and expand my experience, as well as play with cats and dogs. :)

On another note, I have some great news to share! I have been planning things out very carefully, looking at every aspect to make sure I can do it. And I made sure I had the approval from my boyfriend, which he is being 100% supportive of. :) So anyway, it looks like I will be working part time at McDonalds again, although the other part of my time will be filled with my Photography. It is that moment I have been wanting so badly... I am planning to start my business!!! I hope to really kick things off this summer by booking photo shoots and weddings. If all goes well I will continue to do Photography part time during school. If not, I will be working at McDonalds. The same thing goes for next spring semester. Then by the time I graduate, I hope to have enough support that I can do Photography full time. It is going to be A LOT of work and I will have to sacrifice some things, but I am all up for it! And what makes this whole plan even more worth it, is having the support of my family and friends. :D

So everyone please keep me in your thoughts! Get the word out that I am starting my business! ;) I hope to be posting some packages and prices very soon. I also ordered business cards just today. So keep on the look out for those as well.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wow...It Has Been Way Too Long

Hey hey everyone!

Man...I has been almost a year since I have been on my blog last. That makes me soo sad. But I have a good excuse! There has been a lot that has happened in the past year! And it seems as if things are starting to finally slow down finally. But also pick up in other areas. Anywho...I am back again to share what has happened in the past year and to hopefully keep posting the rest of this summer. :)

So, where to begin? Well, it seems as if that last post was last July therefore I will start from there! Lets see... Last August is when my boyfriend and I moved into an town house together. The move was okay, accept that it was during a stressful time for me. We moved right as I was going back to college. But it all worked out in the end. We are all settled in and loving almost every moment of being adults. Everything accept bills! Unfortunately we found out that bills is what comes along with adulthood. :P

College has been going great. The first semester back was a success, passing with A's and B's. :) It seems as if it flew right by and the holidays were near before I knew it. Which the holidays were fantastic, celebrating with family and friends.

Just a couple weeks ago I finished my second semester at HACC. I really enjoyed this past semester because I was fortunate to take a business class that required writing up a small business plan. As of now it is just a rough draft, but I can certainly change things and expand it to fit my needs. It is definitely one more thing I have accomplished that I will be able to use to establish my business in the future.

Other than school, I have still been working at McDonald's. Although recently I have been offered a new job in town. So work is partially up in the air as of now. But I have been generating a few different ideas relating to Photography that I might pursue instead. I'm still thinking things through first and trying to do what is best right now. We shall see where things take me. ;)

Anyway, back to Photography. I have some pictures here that were from last summer that I finally had time to edit this past week. The first ones are from Virginia Beach. I Just bought the new Lightroom 3 and was having so much playing around with the editing tools! So here is a couple that I thought turned out really beautiful.








And if you want to let me know what you think about these pictures, hit me up on Twitter!!! @Wings1227. Just put the picture number in your tweet to specify which picture you are commenting on. Any questions/comments/advice would be greatly appreciated! And thanks so much! :)

I will have more pictures to share in the next post. Thanks for following!

Yours truly,
Ashley @--/-