Saturday, July 30, 2011

Family Portraits!!!


Here are some more pictures I took this spring of my friends and their little boy, Landen. Despite not having an actual place to take their pictures, I think their pictures turned out great!!! I had so much fun with Landen! I must say that I love playing with the little ones while taking their pictures. :) So check them out! If you are interested in family portraits, please contact me at!!!







Tweet your comments to @Wings1227!!!

In the mean time, things are starting to look up and people are starting to contact me! I might have a wedding booked soon, and then this week I have the opportunity to visit another McDonalds around town and take pictures of the crew and children playing in the play place! I am SUPER excited about it! I hope while I am there, it will give me an opportunity to expand the word of my business even further. :) Which leads me to my next statement: And local businesses looking for a photographer to take pictures of their employees or pictures for work-related events, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME!!! I am looking for any type of opportunity! :D

More pictures coming soon!

-Ashley Pinda-

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Busy Busy Busy!!!

Hey ya'll!

Things have been tremendously busy around here. Sorry I could not get to submit a new post recently. I am back up to working full time at McDonalds, not to mention running around a lot on top of it. But it's all good! I'm trying to really prioritize my time in order to make more time for my photography and myself. It is starting to work out a lot better. :)

So I have some more pictures to share. There is one more set of pictures from last year that I have and absolutely adore. Last Halloween I took some pictures of my best friends' little boy, Landen, all dressed up in his Halloween costume.








Hehe! Are they not the cutest pictures ever?! Tell me what you think! Twitter: @Wings1227 So Halloween is four months! Parents, do not hesitate to book Halloween photo sessions! I will probably run a special for it as well! STAY TUNED!

Also, a website is in the works for my business! I hope to have it up in the next month. And I am in the process of setting up a facebook as well. So please look out for those! I am super excited for both of those. :D

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

Friday, July 15, 2011


I finally set some starting prices to start booking some photography sessions!!! Here they are:

Wedding/Engagement---$100 a hour
Family Portraits---$50 to $100
Homeschool Groups---$100
Senior Portraits---$75
Head shots---$25
Pet Portraits---$25

If anyone needs any other type of pictures taken, please do not hesitate to ask! Also, to give everyone a heads up...I do not print my own photographs. I put all the pictures on a photo CD for you, and give you a copyright release that way you can take your pictures elsewhere and print whatever you want. :) So pass the word around! Summer is quickly coming to an end for me and school will be starting soon. Book your sessions NOW!

I look forward to booking some sessions! I cannot wait to start meeting new people! :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Camping Trip 2011

Hey there!

So it looks like I am all caught up with the pictures I took last year! :) So now onto the pictures I have been taking this year. One of the first times I was able to take out my camera again was towards the end of the semester when school was slowing down. My boyfriend and I went camping with his parents up north at Mountain Creek Campground to do some trout fishing. I did not do any fishing because I have not done much fishing since I was a little girl. Although I was quite a tomboy when I was younger, I have become a chicken of putting worms on hooks and touching fish. Haha. So I just went along to camp and enjoy a weekend away. And take some pictures of everyone else fishing. :) Here are some of the pictures I captured.








So let me know what you guys think!!! Send me a tweet @Wings1227!

So some other good news to share... I have recently had the chance to take one of my friends maternity portraits. :D The pictures turned out AH-MAZING! I will be posting them soon! In the mean time, I have been passing out my business cards left and right. I might have a couple photo shoot opportunities coming up shortly, and I am also going to try getting in contact with people that have told me awhile ago about setting up some photo shoots. Lets hope I can get some gigs booked! I know I definitely will be taking my sisters senior pictures soon. :) Very stoked to do those... Other than that, things have been crazy busy at work along with all the other home things. Trying to keep pushing myself to make time for my photography. Just got a little bit behind with going on vacation. But im ready to get back into things full swing. Lets see how I make out!

More posts coming soon!
Keep reading!
