Sunday, May 2, 2010

Making Some Progress!


So I have some great news to announce finally! I have actually had some spare time to edit some pictures to put in the Art Gallery! :-D I got them blown up and printed at Wal-Mart the other week. Luckily, I have a mother that works in the Photolab at Wal-Mart that could edit them and make them look extra pretty for me. Now all I have to do is buy frames for them, and then I can finally put my first picture(s) into the Gallery. I am so excited! My mom and my dad love the pictures, as well as some other friends I have shown them to. Here is everyone's favorite:

I have to say I am very proud of this one. But this one is my favorite:

I have also had the chance to meet up with a good friend of mine and take pictures with him at Cadorus one day. He has been taking Photography classes through school. I have seen his pictures on Facebook and think he does a really great job. We have been talking for several weeks about getting together to do some photography. And we finally had a chance. But I haven't had the chance to upload them and edit them yet. That is on my list of photography things to do.

Some more good news... my manager from McDonalds came up to me at work the other day and asked me if I could take pictures at his wedding this summer. :-D I was so flattered when he asked me. I did tell him that I didn't think I had enough experience yet, but he said that he's sure I would do a good job. So I said yes! But I am hoping I can take some kind of photography class before then, to gain a little more experience first. It is my manager, so I would like to make a good impression. Besides that, I need to sit down and figure out what price I should set to take the pictures. Which I cannot decide. But I have plenty of time to figure that out.

I still have not taken my friends' family pictures yet, due to work and other situations. But it is still in the works to find a day soon to take them. I also have other friends that are expecting a baby in July. So I asked if I could take their newborns' pictures. They said "Definitely." So I have that to look forward to. I also asked my sister if I could practice taking pictures of her this summer. She didn't agree to it at first but eventually did, as well as my dad saying I could practice on him too.

So I definitely have had the time to work on some things and set up some plans. Now all I have to do is find more time to do them. :-P But since it has been getting nicer out, I have been gaining more motivation. And with the days staying lighter later, I have a better chance of finding more time and opportunity to do more. I am also planning my summer with other classes to take. Sarah has still not posted dates for the summer internships, so I am making a back-up plan of classes to take in place of the internship. Just in case. I'm still hoping I will go though. I have just received the summer classes booklet from HACC. They are offering a Photography Certificate Program. So that is definitely in the back of my mind.

So yeah. That's all the good news I have this time. So now I just need to keep it up and achieve more plans that I have. We shall see how far along I get in the next couple weeks.
